The Plural
Living Plural: 's'
The vast majority of English words form the plural by simply adding an 's'.
Here are some examples:
Sustantivo | Plural | Significado |
phone | phones | teléfono |
bird | birds | pajaro |
car | cars | coche |
Plural of Words Whistling in 's'
Nouns finishes '-ch', '-s', '-sh', '-x' and '-z' to form the plural '-s' instead of 's'. The reason is that if one "-s" was added it would be impossible to pronounce.
Here are some examples of this case:
Sustantivo | Plural | Significado |
bench | benches | banco (de sentarse) |
kiss | kisses | beso |
wish | wishes | deseo |
box | boxes | caja |
quiz | quizzes | concurso |
Rule plural '-ies' (consonant) + 'and' ➜ '-ies'
If a noun ends in a consonant followed by the letter ', and' the plural form en'-ies'
Examples of plural:
Sustantivo | Plural | Significado |
lady | ladies | señora |
baby | babies | bebe |
Plural of (consonant) + 'or' ➜ '-oes'
A few nouns finishes consonant + 'or' form their plural '-s'. In many cases there are several ways to plural.
Singular | Plural | Significado |
domino | dominoes dominos | dominó |
buffalo | buffaloes buffalo buffalos | búfalo |
potato | potatoes | patatas |
tomato | tomatoes | tomate |
echo | echoes echos | eco |
embargo | embargoes | embargo |
halo | haloes halos/ | aureola |
hero | heroes | héroe |
junco | juncoes juncos | junco |
volcano | volcanoes volcanos | volcán |
tornado | tornadoes tornados | tornado |
torpedo | torpedoes torpedos | torpedo |
zero | zeroes zeros | cero |
Plural '-f' or '-fe' ➜ 'see-'
Some words ending in '-f' or '-fe' form the plural irregularly in 'see-':
Singular | Plural | Significado |
calf | calves | ternero |
elf | elves | elfo |
half | halves | la mitad |
knife | knives | cuchillo |
life | lives | la vida |
loaf | loaves | pan |
thief | thieves | ladrón |
wife | wives | esposa |
wolf | wolves | lobo |
Unfortunately for us is not all, since many words ending in '-f' or '-fe', form the plural regularly:
Singular | Plural | Significado |
brief | briefs | carta |
chef | chefs | cocinero |
chief | chiefs | jefe |
giraffe | giraffes | jirafa |
gulf | gulfs | golfo |
sheriff | sheriffs | jefe de policía |
There are even words that can form the plural of two ways:
Singular | Plural | Significado |
scarf | scarves | bufanda |
wharf | wharves wharfes | muelle (de barco) |
Words in the plural invariant
Some words have the same form in the singular to plural
many of them are animals:
Singular / Plural | Significado |
bison | bisón |
cod | bacalao |
deer | ciervo |
fish | pez |
moose | alce |
salmon | salmón |
sheep | oveja |
swine | cerdo |
trout | trucha |
offspring | descendiente |
he caught 2 fish
él cogió 2 peces
él cogió 2 peces
If we refer to fish species the plural of fish is fishes.
irregular plurals
There are English words that have irregular plural:
Singular | Plural | Significado |
foot | feet | pie |
goose | geese | ganso |
louse | lice | piojo |
man | men | hombre |
mouse | mice | ratón |
tooth | teeth | diente |
woman | women | mujer |
Are Germanic words, to form the plural in German An umlaut is added.
Plural '-sis' -> '-ses'
Singular | Plural | Significado |
analysis | analyses | análisis |
axis | axes | eje |
basis | bases | base |
crisis | crises | crisis |
parenthesis | parentheses | paréntesis |
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