Phrases in English

When you lose, do not look at what you lost, but what's left to win...

Phrases in English

Do not speak if what you say is more beautiful than silence...

Phrases in English

There are silences that speak and words that say nothing...

Phrases in English

Do not do anything that compromises your tomorrow today...

Phrases in English

Distance does not make the miles, but the people...

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014


This course is intended as a tool to help the learning of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. This page has the function index of all articles we've written to help you learn English. 

We continue to work to improve this course, so if you have suggestions for improvements please you comment. 

English is the main language of international communication. Between 300 and 400 million people have it as their mother tongue, but millions more have knowledge of the English language. It's English is the most spoken language in many countries most notably the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.